Adams: Adams Gazette, Adams Globe, Adams Weekly Globe, There are a few pages from an additional 76 newspapers available in this collection. See the collection for more details.
Ainsworth: Ainsworth Star Journal, Brown County Democrat, Johnstown Enterprise, Ainsworth Star, Star Journal, Ainsworth Herald
Cass County: Elmwood Leader Echo, Elmwood Echo, Elmwood Leader, Weeks Review - These newspapers were originally archived on microfilm by History Nebraska. Sometimes during this process, newspapers from multiple towns in Nebraska ended up on the same roll of film. When the film was digitized, they included all of the papers on the roll. There are a few pages from an additional 109 newspapers available in this collection. See the collection for more details.
Central City: Central City Courier, Central City Democrat, Central City Record, Central City Record and Central City Democrat, Clarks Enterprise, Clarks Leader, Enterprise, Lone Tree Courier, Merrick County Item, Palmer Express, Palmer Record, Silver Creek Sand
Chronicling America: Nebraska Newspapers Includes 51 newspapers from: Alliance, Bellevue, Broken Bow, Brownville, Columbus, Dakota City, Falls City, Harrison, Lincoln, Loup City, McCook, Nemaha City, Norfolk, North Platte, Omaha, Red Cloud, Valentine, Wood River Centre(Shelton)
Dixon County: Dakota County Enterprise, Emerson Cresent, Emerson Echo, Emerson Enterprise, Emerson Era, Emerson Times, Emerson Tri County Press, Emerson Weekly Times, Newcastle Times, The Allen News, The Dixon Journal, The Newcastle News
Grant: The Grant Tribune Sentinel, Tribune Sentinel, Madrid Herald, Madrid Era, Perkins County Newspaper, The Elsie Leader
Hall County Newspaper Digitization Project: Central Nebraska Republican, Daily Evening Times, Die Nebraska Staats Zeitung Tribune, Doniphan Eagle, Grand Island Anzeiger Un Herald, Grand Island Daily Press, Grand Island independent, Grand Island Times, Platte Valley Independent, Wood River
Humphrey: Cornlea Hustler, Creston News, Creston Statesman, Democrat, Humphrey Democrat, Humphrey Herald, Humphrey Independent, Lindsay Post, Lindsay Weekly Post, Platte County Leader, The Humphrey Democrat
Nebraska Newspapers (UNL): Includes 68 newspapers from: Alliance, Auburn, Bellevue, Broken Bow, Brownville, Calvert, Clarkson, Columbus, Dakota City, Falls City, Harrison, Hemingford, Lincoln, Loup City, McCook, Nebraska City, Nemaha, Nemaha City, Norfolk, North Platte, Omaha, O'Neill, O'Neill City, Plattsmouth, Red Cloud, Shelton, Valentine, Wahoo, Wilber, Wood River Centre
Norfolk: Norfolk Daily News, Special Editions, The Nebraska Press, The Norfolk Daily News, The Norfolk Merchants News, The Norfolk Sunday News, The Norfolk Weekly News, The Saturday Evening News, Yearbooks
North Bend: Eagle, Mors Bluf Orel, Morse Bluff Eagle, North Bend Argus, North Bend Republican
North Loup: North Loup Loyalist, The Loyalist, The North Loup Loyalist
North Platte: Evening Telegraph, North Platte Daily Telegraph Bulletin, North Platte Daily Bulletin, North Platte Telegraph, Telegraph Bulletin, North Platte Semi Weekly Tribune
Nuckolls County: Hardy Herald, Nelson Gazette, Oak News, Ruskin Leader, Superior Express
Ord: The Ord Quiz - The site does not provide a way to search the Ord Quiz Archives. One way you can search it is by going to Google and in the search box entering followed by your search term. For example try searching for: school
Otoe County: Daily Nebraska City News, Journal Democrat, Nebraska City Daily News, Nebraska City News, Nebraska Daily News Press, Nebraska News, Syracuse Democrat, Syracuse Herald, Syracuse Journal, Syracuse Journal Democrat
Pierce: Pierce County Call, Pierce County Leader, The Pierce Times - Call
Polk County: Headlight, Homesteader, Osceola Record, Polk County Democrat, Polk County Farmers Advocate, Polk County Independent, Polk County Republican, Polk Progress, Shelby Sun, Stromsburg News, Stromsburg Republican, Stromsburg Weekly News, Sun
Ponca: Dixon County Advocate, Homer Star, Nebraska Journal Leader, Northern Nebraska Journal, Ponca Gazette, Wayne Herald
Sargent: New Era, Sargent Echo, Sargent Leader, West Union Gazette
Wakefield: Wakefield Republican, The Wakefield Republican
Wayne: Logan Valley Herald, Nebraska Democrat, Wayne County Democrat, Wayne County Review, Wayne Democrat, Wayne Herald, Wayne Herald Tribune, Wayne Journal, Wayne News, Wayne Republican
West Point: West Point News, West Point Republican, Cuming County Democrat, West Point, Republican And Cuming County Advertiser, West Point Newspapers, The Progress, The West Point Progress
History Nebraska (formerly the Nebraska State Historical Society) does not participate in OCLC/ILL so the Nebraska Library Commission is unable to place requests for these items as a regular ILL transaction. The patron needs to go through his/her local library to request microfilm directly from History Nebraska. Borrowing libraries should submit requests on American Library Association Interlibrary Loan Forms or library letterhead via the U.S. Postal Service. Internet, fax, or email requests are NOT accepted. Address requests to:
Interlibrary Loans, History Nebraska, 1500 R St, Lincoln, NE 68508