Federal Government in Nebraska - Blue Book information on federal-level elected offices Biographies and historical information on Nebraska members of Congress. Use the Table of Contents to jump directly to the U.S. Government chapter. In the 2022/2023 Blue Book, the Federal Government begins on p. 77.
Local Government in Nebraska - Blue Book Covers counties, cities, school districts, educational service units, natural resource districts, public power districts, and other local subdivisions. Use the Table of Contents to jump directly to the Local Government chapter. In the 2022/2023 Blue Book, Local Government begins on p. 789
Nebraska Blue Book (Current Edition) Includes information about the organization of state government, as well as information on state-level elected offices, including job description and salary information on the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, and Attorney General. Effective 2009, Governor Salary = $105,000; Lieutenant Governor Salary = $75,000; Secretary of State Salary = $85,000; Attorney General Salary = $95,000; Treasurer Salary = $85,000 and Auditor Salary = $85,000.