Budget and Audit Webpages from the Auditor of Public Accounts. Links to data for counties, cities and towns, school districts, NRDs and other political subdivisions.
Local Government in Nebraska - Blue Book Covers counties, cities, school districts, educational service units, natural resource districts, public power districts, and other local subdivisions. Use the Table of Contents to jump directly to the Local Government chapter. In the 2022/2023 Blue Book, Local Government begins on p. 789
Nebraska Judicial Branch Directory and informational guide to all levels of courts in Nebraska. Includes some frequently used court forms and links to fee-based court records databases.
Vital Records Information for the U.S. Where to get vital records from each state, county and territory in the U.S. Includes address, phone, fees and other information for state vital records offices. Less detailed information for county records offices. Includes genealogy links by state.
Vitalrec.com Where to get vital records for Nebraska, including each county, with addresses, phone numbers, fees, and other information.